Monday, May 23, 2011

48hr week end

I was away from the blogosphere this week end, Josh signed up to do the 48hr film contest, where you write, shoot and edit a 7mn movie in 48hrs. It's a lot of fun but quite intense too! This is the third (and probably last) year he enters it in Gisborne. His previous 48hr movies include Alienses (entered too late), Tony's last day (won the Gisborne finals) and The amazing world of sticks.
Unfortunately I don't get to help much, with two kids around the house it's pretty much impossible to get much done, so my job is to keep them out of the way so Josh can get on with his filming. So we spent a lovely sunny warm day at the beach on saturday. Sunday was different, Josh needed to film some kids having a party, so we invited a few friends along and the kids had a great time!
Unfortunately the (bloody) computer took absolutely ages to get the movie rendered, so Josh couldn't get it in in time, but I have to say it looks amazing and I am so proud of him for what he has achieved. I can't wait to post a link to his little short film. Hopefully, as he says, something good will come out of this!

De Lautour rd urban bouquet 2

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